We ship to the European countries specified in the check-out with our logistics partner GLS.
With fast shipping and around 8,000 parcel stores, GLS ensures that your ordered Zildjian product arrives safely.
To make payment as easy as possible for you, we offer various payment options. You can select these directly at check-out and manage them later in your customer account. We use the secure payment processing of our partner Mollie for all transactions.
If something does not fit or does not meet your requirements: No problem, we have made provisions for a smooth and easy return.
- You will receive a prepared returns slip together with your shipment. Fill this out and enclose it with the return shipment. This will enable us to allocate the return quickly and correctly when we receive it.
- We will provide you with a DHL freeway ticket for a free return within 14 days of receipt of the shipment.
- Place each product well packed in the parcel and stick the enclosed return label on the outside of the parcel. This way, the return shipment is free of charge for you and goes to the right recipient.
- You can return your shipment to DHL parcel stores and packing stations. Please keep the posting receipt in a safe place. Find a return station near you.
Once your return has been received and checked, you will receive a refund within 14 days using the payment method selected when ordering.
Would you like to return something?
You are a
Registered Customer
Log in to your customer account with your personal access data. You will find the return form and your free Freeway ticket under "Orders".
Returns for Registered Customer- Guest customer
Please fill out our return form. To speed up your refund, it is important that you provide us with the details of your order. You will then receive your free Freeway ticket.
Returns for Guest Users